Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Cold Winter Hotness

What up people? Houston to Philly. Carolina to Cali.

Times are hard but it’s a good day to be an American. Because we are about to get our country back and get on the good foot. Ladies and gentleman, set aside any differences you think you have and throw on the Red White and Blue vision. We are finally about to enter the new millennium and take the world with us. Global warming, energy independence, education advances, diplomatic relations, scientific healthcare innovations. Made in America.

I’m gonna take a page out of W’s wack handbook and tell you to get yourself a Starbucks. Treat your girlfriend out to dinner. Go take a trip to Vegas. Have some fun. And then get ready to put some elbow grease into taking our country back. The crooks and the haters and the shiesty clowns like Ken Lay and Bernie Maddof had their day now its our time to enjoy life.

Cause despite the stresses and conflicts of day to day it’s the little things that make everything else alright. That’s today’s word from the Triad Administration along with a little hotness and notness from Frank White President Verb of the Triad Administration.

Hotness - Barack Obama.

Love him or hate him. Half empty or half full. Liberal or conservative. President Barack Obama clocked in and immediately went to work for the United States of America. That's what's up!

Notness - Barack Obama’s job

Or should I say jobs. Fix the economy, the banks, the auto industry, the housing crisis, wall street, two wars, the environment, the education system, healthcare, and of course the Middle East, just to name a few.

I’d rather sell Real Estate to Pontiac Dealers.

Hotness - Pork In The Stimulus

Unlike the Post-Bush Republicans and the many of my fam who are Muslim (what up Fam), I have no problem with a nice piece of pork.

Notness - Beef over the Stimulus

The problem with less pork, more tax cuts right now is that you can’t eat tax cuts and people are hungry.

Hotness - Tax cuts

Lets be real. The government eats up your cheese like rats.

Notness - Paying Taxes

It cracks me up when big business and THE RICH get mad about not getting tax cuts. Cause when they get fat tax cuts they don’t pay nothing anyway. I can't wait till those outsourcing paychecks dry up.

Hotness - Bailouts

Scuse me, Uncle Sam. I know you broke and all Unc, but could you spare a dime? Or some fresh billions.

Notness - Budgets

Raise your hand if your state ain’t broke. Sit down Alaska and go look at Russia or something.

Not Hot Not Not - Saying no to bailouts

#1 Bobby Governor of Louisiana if Flavor Flav give your broke ass state a handout you need to take it.

#2 GM or Ford shouldn't get a dime until they come out with a flying whip (ain’t it about time already?)

#3 You can’t have money in America and not have banks unless you trying to spend yen.

Hotness - Old Ladies Attacking Robbers

BAM. Right upside the head.

Notness - Maniacal Monkeys attacking women

OK. A chimp is a chimp.

And that whole relationship was a little hairy anyway. (Bathing together...come on now.)

So I feel a little sorry for the crazy ass chimp that got bucked by the jakes.

But monkey ass Chris Brown doesn't have any excuses.

Hotness - Heath Ledger

Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

Notness - Sean Penn

So SHUT UP and…just…go…AWAY. (You too Tavis...some damn Tavis Smiley)

Hotness - Watchmen

I know who watches the watchmen. Me thats who.

Notness - Friday the 23th

How you gonna make Jason 27 part one again even though you seen him in Manhattan, hell, space, and fighting Freddy in his dreams.

I ain't falling for the banana in the tailpipe.

Hotness - 24 Season 777 (RANT ALERT)

Bizzle and Redhead FBI get away from the jakes. Dubaku gets away from Bizzle. Or not. But cover is blown now. Chase is on. Team Bizzle out of play. Until. Old girl makes her move. And the car flips. She's toast. Dubaku on the stretcher. Bizzle with the audible. "Talk before you die or I kill your family". He talks. He dies. Whats that. A chip. Word. Bizzle gives it to the homes with the chopper. Damn.

But Redhead FBI is pissed now. She in the hospital with Bizzle giving up dead sister's bracelets to alive sister in wheelchair. "You promised you would protect her. Now she dead and you give me THIS? I hate you." Redhead FBI hates herself too. But she hates Bizzle more. Cause Bizzle is cold. He’s all "You’ll get over it." She's all "like your wife?" He's all "Next time you pull a gun on me be ready to use it." She's all like "I was." Oooooh Bizzle it stings. But its only your pride.

Back at FBI headquarters. Young snitch got him some snitch trim. FBI got evidence about snitches. Young snitch asks snitch trim can she erase it. Maybe. But Chloe is on the case. Uh oh. Snitch trim is successful. Evidence is gone. So is snitch trim. Young snitch did it. Head Suit wants answers. Young snitch got extremely suspect answers and too many questions. Head suit doesn’t know who to trust. Obviously. But Chloe is on the case and the evidence is back. Uh oh. Young snitch on the run. Too late.Head Suit wants answers. Real ones. Young snitch wants a lawyer.

Meanwhile Bill Buchizzle riding shot gun with Madam President to see half dead First Guy. First daughter got beef. And tears. Bill got juice. Evidence got snitches everywhere including assistant Senate snitch who runs with Senator I Hate Bizzle. Madame Pres like "Thanks Bill you need anything name it." Bill like "Can Bizzle get a break?" Madame Pres like "Maybe." Booooo.

Who's theme music is that? Its Tizzle. He's back. Chillin on big white steps with Bizzle …Bizzle talking that it’s over turn yourself in crazy shizzle. Tizzle like it aint’ over. Juma and the crizzle bout to hit DC hard it’s rizzle. Boop boop. Boop boop. Boop boop. Boop boop.

Notness - American Idol

Sober karaoke is just plain wrong. Just like idolatry. And Randy "Definitely Not a Real" Jackson.

Not Hot Not Not - Lost

I seen the dead bule get not dead, go back and forward in time from country to country, city to city and talk to mad people who think he dead now before he go die and come back to not being dead again. I don’t really get Lost but I see how you could.

Hotness - Movies about broke people in India

Don’t ask me why. Some damn Slumdog Millionaire.

Notness - News about broke people in America

The between the crime and the economy every city in the country is turning into a slum, dog.

Hotness - The Return of Tiger Woods

The king is back.

Notness - The Fall of A Rod

Lost his wife, team ain’t make the playoffs, and now he lying about the steroids he said he didn’t take before he admitted he did.

Talk about being on something before you were against it. Ta dah dah. A little inside the beltway humor, just a bit outside.

Hotness - ACC Tournament

The college basketball buffet that is March Madness begins before they break the brackets out. And The ACC tournament is the proverbial banging Buffalo Wing appetizer. You could definitely get full but there is mo better food to come.

Notness - NBA Regular Season

Kobe is an assassin. Lebron is a beast. Both of them will absolutely kill you. The Celtics are the champs. And my favorite player, Tim Duncan, is the champion of champions. So wake me up when the playoffs start.

Hotness - Vegas

What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.

Notness - Mexico

What happens to you in Mexico? Don't know, but you stays in Mexico.

Hotness - Joaquin Phoenix on Dave Letterman

There is something funny about insanity. Joaquin meet Crispin. Crispin meet Joaquin.

Notness - The Roots on Jimmy Fallon

There is nothing funny about prostitution. Hip Hop meet Recession. Recession meet Hip Hop.

Hotness - America

Even though half the population is broke or insane or both, this is my country and I'd much rather be in America than...

Notness - Africa

Shoutout to the racist and lazy forefathers who didn't want to pick cotton themselves so they got their Ponzi Scheme on and cotton picked mad negros out of Africa to build their wealth in exchange for bullets with no guns and empty bottles of whiskey. I could be mad but if it weren't for their delusional selfishness I might be running around Liberia with purple sweats, a Harold Minor jersey and an AK bucking people for General Juma. I'll take servicing the fiends any day. Gluten free or not.

Not Hot Not Not - Black History Month

What's it like to be Black in America? There is nothing like it.

It's not a gift. It's not a curse. It is what it is. For every Dr. King there is an OJ Simpson. For every Barack Obama there is a Little Wayne Weezy Carter. (Actually for every Obama there is a Weezy, a Jeezy, a Soulja Boy, a Gucci Mane and OJ the Juice Mane and a bunch of other coonbreads but I digress).

From Slaveships to 3/5ths to Civil Rights to President #44, the Black American Historical Experience is full of pain and pride, successes and failures, life and death. It is vital, it is important, it is special. But ultimately it is American.

Black History Month should be a time to reflect on the trials and the tribulations, and those successes and the failures that have made America what it is today. But in reality all it is another month. And really we don't need a month to showcase that part of history. It should be displayed with pride everyday.

So shout out to fellow my African Americans and shout out to my fellow Americans. Regardless of race, creed, or color, there is something special about being a part of history. And right now. We are all apart of history.


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Ma' dam Sek with a little math, a subracting economy is inversely related to increasing CRIME

Ma'dam Sek here with news that is not quite internationally related. However, it must occur globally because it just... well.... makes sense.

In prior years we have been watching our world that we have come to know, love, and admire start to crumble before our eyes. Beginning a little post 2001 there was a lot of talk about our environment screaming for our help. We ignored it. Fast foward a couple of years it is now 2007 and I can't take a shower longer than 5 minutes because my city has only 90 days of water supply left. WTF?!?!

Well that corrected itself in certain parts of the country. Here, we had an ish ton of rain in 2008. All our fears were able to rest. Americans were able to forget yet again that there were things beyond our control. We could go back to our ignorance is bliss state of mind.


September 24, 2008 Bush addresses the nation to inform us that we are officially in a financial CRISIS! AHHH ISH! We have to worry yet again.. and this time it is about our money. No one likes monetary obsession, depression, and depletion.

What am I saying this all for? Well unfortunately unlike our liquid issues from 2 years ago this one has not solved itself. These problems that seem beyond our control that were in fact caused by human error and greed have lead to more problems.

As I was doing my news rounds I stumbled on a CNN article about crime increasing. It seems that with the economic downturn crime has been on the rise.

"WHAT the hell you say?" YES that is the case.

Is it really surprising, no not really. Why wouldn't people want things at the cheapest possible rate when everyone is BROKE?! E-Z- money baby.

The problem is just that though, everyone is broke, everyone is suffering. How dare people steal from their fellow suffering American! STEAL FROM SOME DAGGONE CHENEY!
(I would love to dig in his pockets an then spin kick him!)

Well the kicker to this tale is that necessity is the mother of all invention or in this case historic repetition.

American's are known for being selfish. Dog eat Dog.. I'll gets mine it doesn't matter about yours. However, because of these recent outbreaks of violence communities are bonding together to watch eachother's back. (such old timey insight go figure, it works)

It's sad that in times of trouble and discomfort that is when people seek out one another, but that is just the way the cookie crumbles. It has been observed that people walk through neighborhoods perpetrating and pretending they are market salesmen, or flyer distributors. They have only one goal in mind they want to see who is home and who is not.

Smart... but f'ed up all at the same time.

  • People are stealing GPS systems from cars... (keep that ish locked down.. don't keep it in your window for all to see dumbheads)
  • People are breaking into foreclosed homes and stealing copper. (get that gold.. CASH FOR GOLD BEECHES!)
Well to sum this all up the article said that in the past 15 years crime rates have been at a historical low. That is not surprising with countries suffering from outrageously high economic prosperity in that time.

It has all become busted down to size and we need to do something. I am all for community but is it not a shame that it is at the expense (pun intended) of the economy?

(note: I do not know a neighbors name in my apartment building for ish, do you?)
quirky tidbit

Monday, February 23, 2009

Cultural differences can save your life... ACCEPT THAT


Back to my communication roots...
Watch this nice little tidbit here

Thank you channel 4 news... This is what we call a kicker in news writing.

So apparently this young lady who has been investing her time and money into unnaturally pink red hair has been saved by said weave. In the end it managed to save her life against her insane ex-boyfriend who attempted to murder her.

So she gets shot at, her rear window breaks, the bullet hits her weave, (which they showed ninety times) and crumpled up in her hair. That's good right? To quote Charlie Murphy, "WRONG... WRONG".

As I am recording this I now realize how absolutely insane that sounds. Not only does this video exploit black women and their obsession with having, "good hair" even if it isn't real; but if you believe that every black man has a gun.. well shoot.. this freakin guy does. He apparently also did not have the brain power to deal with their relational issues any other way. Daggum black dudes! What the hell?

So what are we supposed to do with news like this? I don't freaking know... I just thought I would share it with you all because its comically ridiculous!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Chief Of Staff Geez O Black's Top Draft Picks of 2009

I am not Barack Obama and he does not approve this FUNNY FUNNY FUNNY message but I am Frank White the President and I do brought to you by my Cousin, Godbrother, and HILARIOUS Chief of Staff GEEZ O BLACK!

So funny I have to post it on my space...I mean facebook. Peace


With the first pick I select Alex Rodriguez!! , yes Alex has made his mistakes but then again who hasn’t? The important thing to remember is he admitted his mistakes. Alex and I have a lot in common he is not the only cheater to ever cheat. In fact I too, like Alex have cheated. In my Geometry class I was caught cheating and I called a press conference to convince everyone I was sorry for cheating. In the press conference I had a written statement that I read off of. In this statement I stated that I was sorry. I mentioned how my cousin Neez aka The Black Ray Gilligan helped me cheat as he gave me a duplicate test with all the answers to the test that I was taking. Ironic it happened in 2003 around the time Alex Rodriguez was getting stuck with the ROIDs in his ass by his cousin Holio Alfonzo. I stated that I was young, naive, and stupid I mean I didn’t know that having a duplicate test was considered cheating; honestly I thought you could get those at your local library. I ask everyone to judge me from here on, I haven’t cheated since then, on second thought I haven’t got caught cheating since then, and I vow never to cheat again or get caught cheating again. So Alex I am proud of you for coming clean as I did. Don’t let me down come October CHAMP (pun intended).

Now for my second pick I select LeBRON James AKA the KING. I am now announcing that I am clearing cap space for LeBRON James for 2010. One might ask why would LeBrone sign with you GEEZE. well I do live in Greensboro such a great market for Black people in college, Lebron could be my spokesman, I do know Frank White the President, and Lebron would flourish under my style of play clear the hell out the way, Lebron go straight to the hole No jumpers, please No jumpers. One might ask how are you going to acquire Lebron for all that cash? Well I am getting rid of a lot of assets, and in fact here’s a list.

My 20$ TV
My Stephon Marbury rookie card that was worth more when he was a rookie then it is now DAMNIT
My XX3 Carolina blue Jordan sneakers that may or may not be real
My authentic Gilbert Arenas jersey (Gilbert where are you I miss you?)
My broke ass Pontiac (wait that’s already sold) Whamp Whamp
My CPU that got struck by lightning, im sure the fiends could use it and put it in their cart or something.
My ankle brace that I used in 01, who wouldn’t want a sweaty ankle brace from the GEEZE
My green dice fitted hat. I am convinced this was the worst purchase I have ever made, anybody want it?
My Dookie brown t-shirt with the #8 on it and Sanders on the back of the shirt (this is exclusive)
My Lacoste sun glasses that clearly states made in China hint hint
My Kanye West Late registration cd (good CD but I know longer affiliate with KANGAY)
My Broke ass vacuum cleaner that picks up absolutely nothing.
The last Capri son in my refrigerator from the summer of 2007
My Barrack Obama New York Times election winning newspaper (its gonna be a classic in 30 years right, right.)
My T.J Ford Bucks jersey another dumb buy (what can I say I like jersey’s)
My PS 2 that no longer plays DVD, damn thing almost kept me from seeing the Wire Madam Secretary appreciate the dvd player!!!
Last but not least I have an authentic Green Bay white road jersey (since he retired it’s an instant throwback jersey, or maybe you should wait till august to see if he comes back)

So here I come LeBron, im clearing space just like everybody else, I’m giving up bad assets and some good assets I’m sure the New York Knicks, Brooklyn Nets, Cleveland Cavaliers and the list goes on and on will hate me after I pull off the biggest signing in history.(THE KING)

My 3rd and last pick is BARACK HUESEIN OBAMA. There’s been a lot of hoopla about the stimulus package that Barack is trying to get passed and the greasy ass republicans are drinking way to much haterade. Well I am one to agree with the stimulus because we need it. But I am asking you Barack if you can give the GEEZE a stimulus package. I am broke thanks to George W Bush aka the worst president ever. I know the greasy ass republicans will be mad and they will say it’s too much pork in the GEEZE’S package, but do like you’ve been doing don’t listen to a damn thing they have to say. Well here’s a list of what I the GEEZE need in my stimulus package.

1. I need a hot maid with a uniform that has a short skirt and preferable big natural hooters and a Russian accent with the -30 degree Russian Skully hat on her head.
2. I also need a snitch cause just like Barack and Frank White I don’t trust the Russians
3. I need a black midget with a psychology degree.(his advice is creditable if he can overcome the psychological disadvantage of being a midget and black in America)
4. I need a 3 foot Penguin to keep me company. He can live in my crib since I no longer put the heat on. (WTF Piedmont Natural Gas)
5. I need a big ass painting of Pugachev the great, ( he was a fake ass Russian king go read your history book if you don’t know him) What a cool name Pugachev
6. I need that new Chevy volt, I’ll keep it real ,and tell GM if in fact this new whip they are putting out is another wack ass car.
7. I need a Parrot that only speaks fluent Ebonics, words such as Yo, Word up G, what’s good, chillen, holla at me, and of course Mutha Fucka are required to know.
8. I need a free lifetime supply of Z pizza and free delivery. I’m sure the owner Steve would piss in his pants if this was a federal mandate especially since I live 100 miles away from Raleigh(what can I say I love pizza ,and they have the best pizza in NC)
9. I need the Government to take George Washington off of the quarter and put Obama’s face on it (this will always remind black people you can do anything!! Obama’s face can’t be on the dollar bills because like myself we don’t have dollars the quarter will do just fine.

Barack you are my sleeper pick in the 2009 draft I’m counting on you to get this stimulus package passed. But in all seriousness the real stimulus needs to get passed so people can get back to work. If the stimulus doesn’t work well I will Blame George W Bush. Barack in my eyes can do no wrong; Barrack is like OJ in 94 black people are behind him no matter what. Barack there are two exception to this rule; you are not allowed to beat up your wife (I love Michele) like Chris Brown or cheat on your wife like Bill Clinton. And since I have full confidence that you won’t do anything like that, you will always be in good graces with me and black people. Finally to elaborate on my statement about OJ I no longer support OJ anymore, OJ is a fool, to bring it back to Ebonics I DON’T F WITH OJ.

Well there you have my top 3 draft picks for 2009 Alex Rodriguez, LeBron James, and Barack Obama.

Spherical Resident Lyrical President

A Yo!
My name ain't Barack or Skills but I got lots of skills
Using them to wrap up society ills
Talking 800 bills and another couple of trills

In debt on the bet that the economy get set
While every day it gets worse yet

TV talking bout roids & A Rod he dry snitching
another corrupt official in Blago's sphere itching
living with no room cause he up in the kitchen

bout to get his seat taken
in the name of money makin
find himself like plaxico bout to get taken

like Neeson or Chris Brown
child prodigy smack his bitch up
booked that ass downtown
son take the picture
another cat knocked like Suge
getting switched up

go in hard
come out homo like Kayne oh no
I'm not hating do your thing
But what happened to Polo?

(Fruity ass 80's perfect stranger mullet talking bout superheros, son you losing it)

Alright I'm hating but cats out for dolo
sniffing yay dead at the hand of they man like Manolo
while airplanes pop, lock, and dropping
going low low

the worlds out of control doing a buck fifty no breaks
Houston illing
blood spilling on the streets
Thanks to the jakes

A war of opposition you can't win
not never
like australia or oklahoma
catching body blows from the weather

Chimp vs man
Israelis in Iran
Like the US on the covert tip
In Pakistan

Black AG talking race
Hillary in Korea face
domestic disputing losing your head

People going for broke
While the whole world going broke
Like Geez
Capitol Hill still don't care they talking grease
Nigga please

Enough to make a church man get down
drinking losing sobriety
Cause word to Verb

Friday, February 13, 2009

V.I.V.P. press release

Welcome to the mind of the Triad Administration. To many it may seem as though I have been pulled into this administration simply because of my well documented and rather close relationship to the President and Madame Sec. To others it seems as though this is the proper place to stash a close advisor in a position that has no true power (until now...thanks Cheney). Under the Triad Administration that is far from the truth, in fact the truth is that I campaigned and earned this position of Vice President and will bring to it intellect and diplomacy. As my contributions will soon show, I offer a non-biased, non-partisian often times eccentric view to the issues that society faces. I hope that you will enjoy these views and take them for what they are worth, a form of education.

Thank you,
V.I.V.P. (Very Important Vice President)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Sharing The Love (on the cheap)

I am Frank White President of the Triad Administration and I approve this message brought to you by the SWV - Use Your Heart video uploaded from You Tube.

If anyone understands the impact of our nation’s financial woes on daily life, it’s yours truly. Job losses are mounting while savings and personal spending cash dwindle. With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, some of you may be a bit concerned about how your pockets are gonna work this one out.

Well that’s what I’m here for, to help get you through these tough times. So here are 7 tips to enjoy an economy friendly Valentine’s Day and get your recession romance on.

First tip - Stay at Home
Why spend the extra money dining out? Expensive food, tipping, drinks and gas. Adds up. Or how about a trip to the movies. Tickets and snacks for two to watch a wack movie and you could be close to 40 bucks.

This year instead of eating out, cook dinner. All you need is some pasta, sauce, bread, cheese and a bottle of wine. Voila. A romantic dinner for two at a fraction of the cost. And instead of going to the movies scoop up a DVD or two from blockbuster, netflix, or redbox. Grab some candy, microwavable popcorn, sodas or beer. You got a date.

(And as an added bonus, you don’t have to worry about getting too tipsy to drive AND you can get as frisky as you like in the privacy of your own home.)

Second Tip - Personal Gift Certificates

So the shopping spree to Saks or Macy’s is off. And even that $20 Victoria’s Secret gift card is looking out of the price range with the cell phone bill, insurance, and gas money tying up the funds. No worries.

Instead give out “coupons” redeemable for less costly and much more personal services. One coupon to Wash and wax her car. Or change the oil. Another coupon good for a Free Bubble Bath & Shampoo or a Free Full Body Massage. How bout a Free Trip to the Park to Walk the Dogs or Watch The Kids while they take a nap? Stuff you should do but probably don’t. These gifts will be appreciated even more than some lame teddy bear.

(And as an added bonus you can get X-Rated in the spirit of Valentines Day with this gift ( A quickie here, a little trip downtown there - use your imagination) .

Third Tip - Put Your Talents to Use
Not those talents…necessarily. We’ll get to that later.

I’m thinking more along the lines of hobbies and creative talents. Instead of buying jewelry, make some. Are you an artist? Draw a beautiful portrait. Write some poetry. Make some fly CD mixes. Or serenade that special someone with a song. Actually that last one was kind of corny. But you get the gist.

Fourth Tip - Get Sentimental
You know those songs that get her in the mood? Fill a couple blank cds with them. And those pictures on the digital from forever and a day ago with all those special memories. Make a photo album. Or add some decorations, maybe a few romantic souvenirs (like tickets from your first date or love notes you wrote one another). Bam a scrapbook. If those tears of joy start flowing you are in.

Fifth Tip - Make Something Old Feel New
Its not free but its an investment both fiscally and emotionally. Get their favorite shoes cobbled. Clean and detail their car. Get your stitch on and add some flavor to the old jacket or blanket. Give that silly little dog that fits in her pocketbook a nice bath or clean out the icky fish tank he loves so much. That’s love.

Sixth Tip - Bring It Down A Notch
Instead of stretching for the dozen roses, go for one. Instead of a box of chocolates, get a bag of lollipops. Instead of buying a card. Make one. Instead of champagne get a more cost effective sparkling wine. Instead of a weekend trip out of town, go to a local bed and breakfast for a night. You don’t have to ball out to say I love you.

Seventh Tip - Make Sweet Love
First things first, making love is not the same as sex. If you don’t know that by now, you need more than just some Valentine’s Day tips from your truly. But seriously, take the time to do it right. The talking, the teasing, the foreplay. Make sure the mood is right. The soft lighting, the clean sheets, the baby making music. Pace your self and make it last. “O” so good.

(And as an added bonus not can you do this basically free but come on now…Who doesn’t love sweet sweet loving? )

Of course this is a tip for you married couples, far be it for the Triad President to promote living in sin ;)

Anyway ladies and gents. 7 perfect ways to enjoy a Happy Valentine’s Day without the dreaded post Valentine’s Hangover, especially during these tough times.

Like the artist formerly known as J Lo once said Love Don’t Cost a Thing. (Insert Joke) Be safe. Have fun. And nuthin but love to you

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

White Out...The President Speaks

I am not Barack Obama and he does not approve this message. I am Frank White the President of the Triad Administration and I do. Which means get ready for a dose of haterade after a week of foolishnii!

Its good to have a President of the United States who knows how to be Presidential. But these clowns in DC keep playing and the Chicago is coming out. I'm saying.

The Republicans are haters. They hate students. They hate workers. They hate poor people. They hate the middle class. They hate democrats. They hate each other. They hate America. BUT THEY LOVE TAX CUTS! Get a new playbook please.

Mother Nature is getting a head start on her yearly beatdown. Heartfelt condolences to Australia, Indonesia and Oklahoma.

WHY ARE WE STILL TALKING ABOUT STEROIDS????? Steroids has NOTHING to do with real life.
I don't give a damn about who takes the juice when times are good. But spending money to test old piss during a recession should be punishable by drinking every drop of old piss they got up in the safes.

That said... between Tejada snitching on himself to the feds, the whole A Rod Tuskeegee Airman steroid testing plot, and Roberto Alomar getting his full blown rawhide on ("I'm not saying I got it, but if I got it you got it what!!!!") baseball is becoming a better soap opera than sport.

Speaking of sports, the NFL season IS over.
Pittsburgh IS the best team in the NFL.
Larry Fitzgerald IS the best wide receiver in the game.
Adrian Peterson IS the best RB in the game.
Brett Farve retiring...AGAIN, IS corny.
And anybody who actually roots for the Philadelphia Eagles after this year IS crazy.

Lil Wayne is not Lil nor is he ill.
But he IS an insane clown ass stupid looking tattooed mumbling midget who sips massive amounts of codeine, sniffs cocaine, talks stupid whenever given the chance, kisses grown men and occasionally drops a hot line that he messes up by giggling like a little girl shortly there after. Thats what's hot in the streets? I don't understand. And I won't. EVER!

If the Grammy's represent the best music has to offer in 2009, I'll stick with the time machine that is my iPod. And what the deuce with:

Sneaking the Joneses Brothers on stage with Stevie Wonder like he could see whats going on.
Miley Ray Cyrus screeching at the top of lungs knowing damn well she can't sing.
Jay Z and his silly glasses and extra peezy ass-fro dropping some wack bars while Viva La Cornball played the piano.
Them wack ass songs the old dude and lady kept winning awards with.
Old wack ass songs from 2007 like Love Song getting nominated.
No love for Alicia Keys.
Chris Brown channeling his inner Ike Turner a few hours before showtime.
Rihanna letting Chris Brown get his teeny bob on upside her head.

The Grammys were the WORST and I fully expect the OSCARS to be WORSE!

Last word. Who cares if Jessica Simpson is fat, Christian "Batman" Bale flipped out on some lackey, American Idol is on 4 nights a week, A Rod did steroids back in the day, some chick dropped 8 seeds, or a bunch of fatties are trying to lose weight on TV. This country has major major problems.

The biggest problem is we care so much about foolishness and so little about the important stuff. We are fighting a losing war against drugs, crime, the economy and the environment not to mention Iraq and Afghanistan and Pakistan and Iran.

Ignorance is not bliss. Its dangerous. On the other hand knowledge is power.

No matter how much money we have (and right now we have very little) or how strong our military is (and right now its weak) America will not regain its place as the worlds most respected nation until we show some respect for ourselves. Stop trying to keep up with the Joneses. Embrace your individuality. Turn off the TV. Read a book. Quit the gossip. Become active in your community.

Times are hard but running away from the problems we face is what got us into the situation we are in. Step it up America, we are counting on us!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Ma'dam Sek and Some Foriegn Affairs

G' day mates and sheilas I'm going to bring you a bit of news to put on the barbie!

Going along with the theme of the previous entry from the one and only President I want to talk about some news across the pond.

Apparently the founder of the Papa Johns chain has claimed on BBC's Radio Four program that people should only eat one to two slices of pizza. John Schnatter, said, "you can't eat five or six slices." He claims it's actually very healthy for you, as long as it is in moderation. Well is that not the case for a majority of things?

In England they are running an anti-obesity campaign so they don't end up looking like... well ... for lack of a better word. US<-- get it? All that aside it is a very wise thing to have people crack down on their intake of pizza. Personally I love pizza, and the thought of eating 1-2 slices especially of some small ass slices of papa Johns is FOREIGN to ME. Take a dam* walk!

Speaking of being in shape. Our very own superhero of the Olympics Michael Phelps has just been dropped from Kelloggs for his involvement in smoking the weed. Kelloggs said they would not renew his contract after they saw the infamous photo. Ohhh what the heck, smoking I hear makes one mighty hungry. He is the perfect salesman for Tony the Tiger and his stupid neckerchief.

Oh they aren't Great TONY they aren't!!! Are people doing this for the children? I doubt it because if we really cared about kids they would be running more campaigns to get children to learn. We need to stop worrying about what our idolized heroes are doing and worrying more about what is really important on the home front. Employment, education, foreign affairs, etc....

I am just bringing attention to this because hell I find it comical and a mishap in communication. If I were Phelps and they asked me about that photo I would say that is a foreign object...

and to quote Don Cheadle in Oceans 11, "leave it out....."

Ciao Ciao

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The January Files 2009

I am not Barack Obama and he DOES NOT approve this message.

I am Frank White, President of the Triad Administration and I DO approve this message, brought to you by the GZA - Cold World video uploaded from You Tube.

Very appropriate for if you living in the world today.


So ladies & gents, the first month of the last year of the first decade of the new millennium is over. Damn…already? As they say in H-Town, AWWWReady. And for real for real it was anything but uneventful.

There was good news. BARACK OBAMA = IN. W = OUT. Amen to that

There was bad news. 2.6 million jobs loss in 2008. 75,000 jobs lost in a single day in 2009.

There was crazy news. An airplane fell out of the sky and landed safely in the Hudson River, thanks to an old school dude named Sully.

There was a lot of news.

And one of my key jobs as President of the Triad Administration is to put you in the know about things you need to know, cause as you may or may not know, knowing is half the battle. Ya know? Yo Joe. Let’s Go.

Starting with politics…Or as the Triad Admin calls it ParlorTricks. But we have nothing but love for …

President Barack Obama

He definitely has his hands full. Starting with the economy. I will cover that more in depth with my final word. But its serious.

Just as dire is foreign affairs. Troop in two nations. The middle east still beefing. Israel. Iran. Bin Laden. Pakistan.

His cabinet draft picks keeps fallin like Alicia Keys because, well they are rich and rich people (on both sides of the aisle) don’t pay taxes.

And eventually we will have to address health care, education, and energy.
But his thoughtful inclusive approach is a breath of fresh air. As is his emphasis on accountability. So while the days seem dark, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. Congratulations, good luck, and God Bless Mr. President.

Speaking of Foreign Affairs…


You will be hearing a LOT about this nation in the upcoming months and years.

Because if there is in fact a nucleus of terror, its in Pakistan.

To bring you up to speed, when the United States and NATO invaded Afghanistan the focus was to eliminate the Taliban and Al Qaeda forces. Instead they merely pushed them out.

To Pakistan.

Our allies in Pakistan, would not allow us to follow those forces into the nation. So they were able to lick their wounds and re-tool. Now they are back and stronger than ever in Afghanistan where the US and NATO are fighting them. And they have a home base to retreat to in Pakistan where US and NATO are NOT fighting them, officially that is. Not so officially, we have engaged in covert operations that can only be described as less than successful.

And I haven’t even mentioned the fallout of the Benazir Bhutto assassination in December 07, the nations implication in the November 08 Mumbai Terror Attacks, the ongoing standoff between Pakistan and India or the nuclear weapons Pakistan has in its possession.

So now what?
Do we push into Pakistan knowing that it will be an ugly situation both diplomatically and militarily? We may not have a choice. Without Pakistan we can’t win in Afghanistan and if we can‘t win in Afghanistan we lose the so called War on Terror. And that is the Pandora that is Pakistan.

On a lighter note there is the sideshow that is…

Rod Blagojevich

OK? So what are they saying he did again? Attempted to sell off the senate seat. Ok so maybe that IS corrupt as hell and incredibly stupid. But if hand in hand stupidity and corruption were enough for impeachment, anyone want to talk about the last eight years in the oval office?

All I’m asking is, where exactly is the case? Witnesses, evidence, sting operations. All I’m hearing about are some wire taps of the man talking tough. That’s like getting a drug dealer on the wire talking bout llello (read: yayo aka cocaine, ya dig?) he wants to sell but nobody will buy and then arresting him without the drugs. There’s no case. But this isn’t about justice, its parlor-tricks.

And both sides are tripping…you got

The Republicans

Playing parlor tricks as usual I see:

  • Unanimously opposing the Economic Stimulus package in the House.
  • Championing “proud hater since 92” Limbaugh as the guiding voice of the party.
  • Already discussing Sarah Palin 20i2
  • Picking a bootstrappy token black republican to lead the RNC
  • And rolling out Dick Cheney's wheelchair so he can ominously plan, I mean predict, a terrorist attack. Why don't you make like Ken Lay and either die or fake your death and disappear, Dick.

This is not the change they need but it is the Grand Ole Party so what can you expect?


As for...

The Democrats

When Dubya was on top, the so called party leadership that was quiet as a mouse. Getting brodied by a lame duck president (read: bullied, strong armed, robbed)on every decision from the surge to the universal children's health care plan - CHIPS. But now there is a Democratic President and all of a sudden they getting gully (read: tough). So that's how they want to carry it?

Grab my man MC Serch and Pete Nice out the crates cause Harry, Harry Reid gets the gas face. Nancy Pelosi shut the F up. What do we think about Nancy - UGHGHGHGH.

DC is a joke, but luckily Jack Bauer is back to take care of things.

24 is BACK

If you don’t know about 24 and Bizzle (read: Jack Bauer aka Bizzle aka CTU number one stunner) by now you don’t know Jack…

So allow me to grab the mic and explain.

(One Two One Two this thing on? )

Bizzle is back and so is Tizzle
Chloe O Brizzle
and my man Bill Bu Kizzle.

CTU’s done
the team on the run.
But government corruption got them grabbing they gun.

On the road DC
facing off with Feebie.
FBI Home turf. Africa come in greasy.

Dubuku ain’t playing
Got the First guy laying
And plans so devious President Lady praying

Who can u trust when surrounded by snitches
When Tizzle so shiesty got fake bones in ditches
Bauer of course giving dirt naps and stitches
24 real time 9pm Tuesday bitches.

Word. It's real in the field.

Or you can watch…

Some Damn Lost

Time traveling island? Your kidding right?

Some Damn Heroes


Some Damn Chuck in 3D.

Chuck? 3D? What?

Not that I watch TV. I watch 24 and...


Like they say. Its not TV its HBO. There is no better example of that than the Wire, which is no longer on HBO but lives eternally on DVD. To try to describe how great this show is would be impossible. But I will say it’s the realest thing you will ever see about street life on the screen.


If you have HBO now you can catch one of my sleeper faves, Big Love about a Mormon dude with 3 wives and 99 other problems. Or one of Madam Sec’s faves Flight of the Concords about 2 bummed out Australian dudes who make wackass music in NYC. Ummm yeah. Just trust the Administration on this one. Or you can listen to the clowns who give you…

Awards Season

Me personally. I don’t care about old young Brad Pitt or naked Kate Winslet with bush under her arms or Mickey Rourke’s scary looking ass jumping off the top rope or gay Sean Penn. I don’t care about no Young Wheezy or Tip “off the jakes with the mic in the pimp cup” Harris or Viva La Cornball Coldplay or Miley Ray Cyrus or the Joneses Boys. I don’t care. I don’t care.

Iron Man was kinda hot. It was good to see Indy back but damn son. Dark Knight was still Batman number 86, no matter how you try to slice it. Will “Smitty” Smith had not one but two clown ass roles. And they hit us with SAW number 5. So here’s an idea. Don’t give out no awards this year and come back with some real original entertainment in 2009. Instead of talking bout foolishness like...

Michael Phelps smoked weed

In the immortal words of Dave Chappelle, "So the f*ck what."


Jessica Simpson is fat

She’s not fat. I don’t even know if she’s "curvy" but there is nothing wrong with curves. Curves are hot. Unfortunately that outfit is not. But its not that big a deal. Get over it.

Speaking of curves…

Serena Williams wins again

My favorite female athlete of all time continues her total dominance of the tennis world and continues to tease me with those thick thighs, tantalizing tata’s, and that primal grunt when she’s lets out when she gets in a zone. I wonder if she makes…actually I think the presidential thing would be to keep that to myself.

Anyway almost time to wrap this up. So…

Mad Love to…

Viva Las Vegas with The Triad

What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Or gets held off for the next blog at least.

Pittsburgh Steelers winning the Super Bowl

My preseason Super Bowl pick won the title doing what they’ve managed to do all year. Win the toughest games by being the toughest. Shoutout to the Steelers for one of the grittiest seasons ever and the NFL for one of the craziest.

Who Watches the Watchmen?

We do on March 6th, 2009 thanks to Warner and Fox doing the right thing like Spike Lee and coming to terms so everybody wins.

Lebron & Kobe

Beating up the New York Knicks on back to back nights like Ike beat Tina. Beasting it yo. The NBA ain't safe. Here's hoping they meet in the NBA Finals for one of the illest showdowns ever.

No Love for…

Wayne talks to Katie Couric

“I’m a rapper Katie and I’m a gangster.” If by gangster you mean coon, that’s pretty accurate.

Snow in Carolina

I hate snow. Period.

Dirty Urine

Watch your nuts Barry, they coming to get them.

Dyslexic Love for…


We kind of hot right now over at Zpizza. Organic pizzas like that Chicken Sausage & Arugula Rustica. Gourmet Salads like the Pear & Gorgonzola. Gluten Free Crust. Soy Cheese. Two for Tuesday. What can I say? The fiends love us.

On the other hand. Arugula? Gorgonzola Cheese? Gluten Free Crust? Soy Cheese? I feel like I'm handling plutonium or enriched uranium not making pizzas. Make one mistake and the fallout might be atomic. Almost as hard as presidenting.


Shout out to the Notorious Biggie Smalls and his lovely mother Voletta. But I’m not putting anymore money in Sean Combs pocket for anything brought to you by the letters B, I, G, and the number one as in of all time. As for Lil Kim, I ain’t had no respect for her since she had to get her stomach pumped in Baltimore back in 96.


And now for the final word on…

The Economic Stimulus Package

You probably DO know that the economy is in tough shape right now. Pink slips. Foreclosures. Wall Street Blues. Etc.

Word on the cyber street is that this is the modern day great depression. And the only thing that can save us is at least 800 billion dollars of tax payer money in the form of The Economic Stimulus Package (ESP).

But what you may be asking yourself, really? Well yes and know. Allow me to break it down as to what’s really real in terms of the state of the economy and the fight to fix it.


Without jobs people can’t make money, if they can’t make money, they can’t pay rent or car notes, or buy goods and services. As a result homes get foreclosed, so the housing industry goes under. Banks don’t get the money for loans they need to make more loans, so they go under. And companies that make goods don’t make the money they need to employ the people they have nor the demand for goods and services to continue to make and sell more stuff, so they begin to go under.

The bad news is it’s gonna get worse because companies imported and made more stuff, in preparation for Christmas, that they didn’t sell. So now they have too much product, not nearly enough demand, and they don’t need the amount of people they staff to sell the stuff they have. And the definitely don’t need to make or get new stuff. So you’ll see more layoffs and cut in hours.

As a result the main purpose of the ESP is to create jobs. Shovel ready jobs that can put people to work right now. The main focus is infrastructure, because ours is crumbling from old buildings to old bridges to old roads to old power grids. This not only puts people to work but solves pressing issues.

But the real fight is over the future.

The Dems want to use this opportunity to fund projects like the arts, science discovery programs such as astronomy and oceanography, and of course environment friendly green jobs.

The Republicans say these programs won’t impact the present economy, by creating immediate jobs and should be shelved for a later date, and instead want to use Tax Cuts to stimulate the private sector who they believe are the foundation for job creation.

For real for real we’ve been doing tax cuts for corporations the last eight years and we are where we are. Our information and transportation infrastructure is a joke. And artists and oceanographers need jobs too so they can pay their bills and buy stuff like everybody else.


Out tax structure is so complicated that nobody knows how much they pay and what they are paying for. And the people who do know, don’t pay taxes…until they try to get a cabinet position that is. Ba Bum Bum. Thanks I’ll be here all week.

But seriously, tax relief is considered by conservatives a sure fire way to get money back into the pockets of people and business. And the theory is that money back into the people’s pockets allows them to buy things. Meanwhile money back in the private sectors pockets allows them to invest in both markets and people, thus lifting the market and creating jobs.

The problem is that right now with the economy so volatile people and businesses are saving and paying bills, so the money gets absorbed without being put back into the economy. So do you give a bigger tax cut and hope for it to be enough to be saved AND spent, at the cost of a bigger debt. Or do you keep it moderately helpful, knowing it won’t jump start the economy in any substantial way? 8 years of tax cuts, would seem to answer that. Then again, everything was so mismanaged maybe it would work, with a different execution. Namely if paired with a more fair, and less complicated tax code.


Nobody has money, so nobody is buying or making anything. Loans are on freeze so no body is investing in anything. And nobody knows what’s gonna happen., so the futures look bleak. The markets are a reaction of what’s going on, so until jobs start being created, and banks start lending, markets are reflecting the troubled economy and its many woes.


Here is the game as it was played. Lend a dollar Get a dollar plus interest. Lend a dollar get another dollar plus more interest. Now its leverage lent dollars plus the unpaid interest to create inflated value for investments then pray for profits. So when the profits don’t come back plus job loss prevents people from paying back loans and interest. Uh oh trouble.

Bank of America and City Group alone have shrunken from a collective value of over 500 billion dollars in November 2007 to just over 50 billion dollars today thanks to over leveraging and bad assets. So as a result they aren’t trying to loan money, as not to over leverage or collect bad assets. But if they don’t loan money, the economy doesn’t flow regardless of weather people have jobs or not.

Think of it like this. The money is the blood. The people are the body. And the markets are the brain. It doesn’t matter how healthy the body or the brain is. If the heart doesn’t pump the blood, nothing works and everything else dies. That’s why we can’t let the bank system fail.

It more than anything needs the electric paddles to jumpstart it. And that seems to be in the form of government intervention. Namely money and sound strategy for how to spend the money, regulate the mismanagement of debt, and restructure the bad assets.

Housing Crisis

This is the proverbial needle in the haystack. When markets over extend themselves in the name of greed, turning something tangible - LIKE A PERSONS HOME or ENERGY FOR THOSE HOMES, into something financially intangible - LIKE A DERIVITIVE, the fallout is always worse than expected.

Reason being derivatives have no value. It's not backed by gold. Its monopoly money. And people’s homes have infinite value, they go beyond just dollars and cents. So when homes start foreclosing, banks don’t get paid, and people start living on the street.

Things go into crisis mode, because fear and panic start setting in, which is the worst thing that can happen on Wall Street & Main Street. So it is important to do what ever is necessary to stop the bleeding because the most import aspect of this economic uncertainty is…


Banks stop lending because they are scared. Jobs stop hiring because they are scared. People stop spending because they are scared. But the economy can’t afford for any of the above to happen. Much less all of them at the same time. That is why it is so important for people to know the truth about what is going on and possible solutions to fixing these problems. More savings, less credit. Continue to shop but be more fiscally responsible. Live within your means as opposed to keeping up with the joneses. The economy has problems. But they are not insurmountable. They just take due diligence and innovation as opposed to the same old playbook.

The government however has to understand that they are the leaders of this great nation so they have to act swiftly to respond to the fears of the people and create confidence by speaking truthfully but in a positive light. No is not the time for politics as usual. Now is the time to bring people together and put their best foot forward. Fight behind closed doors but stand unified before this great nation.

United we stand, divided we fall.

The Triad Speaks. Till next time remember I am not Barack Obama and he did not approve this message. I am the Triad Administration President Frank White and I did.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Where we stand

Stimulus package? I ain't GIVING nobody nothin. Defense? You damn straight. Domestic Policy? Outer Strength comes from within. Economy? A broke nigga is a dangerous nigga no matter what his or her color is.

Here is the Triad Administration platform for a brand new America you can be proud to rep. Ya heard??????


#1 The REAL War on Terror


We are at war in Iraq. Like it or not we can't afford to lose. But we have to get out somehow. I'll tell you how. Immediate withdraw of 50% of our current troops in Iraq. The remaining 50% will be broken into two teams. Defense and Offense. Defense stays in the more managabe areas and work with the police to protect the innocent and work on negotiation and reconstruction efforts. Offense goes into the more out of control areas GUNS BLAZING with one goal in mind. Eradicate Al Queda in Iraq and any foreign agents working as organized terrorists.

The withdrawn 50% will be broken into 3 groups.


50% of those withdrawn will be sent to Darfur and Sudan. Since no WMD were found in Iraq but we justified that by liberating citizens and giving them freedom we can do that for the children in Africa forced to fight in the name of greed and evil.


25% of those withdrawn will be sent to Afghanistan to shore up our forces there and continue to crack down on Al Queda and the returning Taliban forces.


The last 25% will be sent home and we will honor our rotations and commitments to tours of duty to keep our military fresh and of sound body and mind, as much as possible.

The World

Each year will will have a War on Terror summit where the world will be addressed on our progress in each region and will be requested to contribute military, intelligence or financial aid. We will reevalute troop levels in each region, increasing and decreasing troops as needed per conditions and global assistance. Those countries who refuse to contribute at all will have troops withdrawn from their country and covert spies inserted to make sure they are on our side.


We will concentrate our special forces and intelligence agencies worldwide to hunting down and killing Al Queda. I want a coat made out of his beard. To assist we will create a Anti Terror Global Taskforce encompassing the best miltiary and intelligence from all allied countries. It will be funded by private citizens of the G8 nations. The words richest contributers of wealth. You're either against Al Queda or against Al Queda. All others are in the crosshairs of the global sniper scope. Period. End of Story.

#2 National Energy Development Association (NEDA)

The scale of our space program will be rolled back for the time being to concentrate on developing alternative energy sources. Personel, funding, and education assets from NASA will be transferred to the new NEDA program to generate the kind of effort in safely and efficiently fueling our world in the future that we experienced in the humble beginnings of our space program.

#3 Better Educator Act

The minimum salary for teachers nationwide will be increased to $45,000, making the position more in demand, thus increasing the talent pool of teachers and hopefully creating better qualified and happier teachers in our schools. Bonuses will also be given to schools and school districts based on production (increase and maintance of test scores, GPAs, and college acceptance) in our school systems on a competitve local, state, and national level. To pay for this an additional flexible Education Tax will be imposed on ALL CITIZENS but current school district taxes will be waived.

#4 Clean Up America Act

Each county in every state will be held to specific clean air and street standards. (Size, population, and location will be taken into account) Following the annual clean city check up, counties that do not meet requirements will be fined. Meanwhile the cleanest counties in every size and population category will receive substantial bonuses.

#5 The REAL War on Crime

Repeat Sex Offenders will be given life sentences with no chance for parole. Violent Sex offenders will be given the death penalty. Cruel and Unusual acts of violence will be met with the death penalty. Offenders convicted of murder one get automatic life sentences. Illegal weapons possession will be sentenced 2 years per bullet. Soft drug possesion will not result in any jail time. Fines and counciling will instead be leavied unless intoxicated behind the wheel of a vehicle or in possesion of a weapon, legal or not.

#6 Consumer and Fan Appreciation Tax

Without consumers and the sales tax paying public, corportations from communication to energy to retail. Sports to medicine to entertainment would not get paid. Therefore they will be imposed a national consumer tax equal to the composite of every state tax. In addition non essential industries such as the music, movies, and sports (as well as atheletes, actors and actresses who make 1 million dollars net) must pay a 10% tax considering they would make NOTHING without us thus we really don't NEED them as much as they need us.

#7 Free Doctors Visitiation Passes

The challenges of creating a public healthcare system may be too ambitious, but everyone should have an opportunity to visit the doctor at least twice a year and we have an obligation to keep our children healthy. Therefore all tax paying citizens will be granted two free doctors visits per year, and children under 12 will receive unlimited visits. In the event that major health issues are found, individuals who can not afford quality health care will be able to seek the care they need and make arrangement through to pay in installments with there year end taxes.

#8 Media Redundancy Act

Who else is tired of the media reporting the same news stories over and over? Or cable TV showing the same programs over and over? Or the radio playing the same songs over and over. Never no more. We can't take away the media's right to put on what they choose but we can restrict how many times they put it on. So say goodbye to all day coverage of Anna Nicole on every channel and round the clock This Is Why I'm Hot on the radio. Frank White 4 President.

#9 Annual Credit Clemency

Wouldn't it be nice to get a reset on that blotch messing up your credit and keeping you from getting that new car or new home. Of course it would. And on April 20th you will be able to just that once a year, provided you pay your taxes and have 3 up to date credit references. Frank White For President.

#10 Get Out of Jail Free Card

Our prisons are too populated with people who've made bad decisions and non violent offenders. Meanwhile our Peace Corps and our Armed Forces are dwindling. Non violent offenders will be given the opportunity to finish off the remainder of their sentence overseas as part of the Military or Peace Corp. And select Violent Offenders will be given the opportunity to assist in reconstruction and humanity efforts in Africa, Afghanistan, and Iraq.

This is our country ladies and gentleman. The reason so many of you don't care is because you don't know. Well I don't know everything either but I do know Frank White is about AMERICA and restoring the peace, love and prosperity around the globe. But it starts at home.

Keep the faith. Keep the hope. Keep the Pride.

Introducing the Administration

My name is not Barack Obama and he does not approve this message. This is the new President of the Triad Administration, Frank White.

First things first I want to congratulate our new President of the United States of America. Barack Obama. I also want to thank all of you who voted and spent your time fighting the good fight to make sure that President Obama would be more than just an idea of hope but a reality.

I feel its only fair to laugh at all you dumb ass fools who voted for John McClain and thank God that he didn't win. Because if he did the Chinese would be landing in little red parachutes to collect all that cash that him and George Bush ran up with the GOP Visa these last 4 years. And Sarah Palin would be sprinkling rat poision in his prune juice and replacing his Viagra pills with a hotshot of Baltimore WMD.

Congratulate yourselves, Ladies and gentlemen. Boys and Girls. Black People. White People. Latinos and Asians. Old. Young. Smart. Dumb. All my peoples from the projects to the penthouse.

All right. Now, get ready. Cause in times as wild as these one administration isn't enough. Not even close. We need one administration to restore America to its right place as the moral leader of the world by eradicating the partisan bickering and infighting that has paralyzed in progress in the nations capital. And The Obama administration will do just that.

But we also need an administration that will not sugarcoat the truth or capitulate to the insanity that is Lil Wayne and his styrophome cup of coonishness going platinum in a week, blowjobs like them fools on The Hills making cake by reading wackass scripts on so called reality TV shows watched by unemployed people with too much time on their hands coast to coast, America's sorry excuse for a school system with seeds running around in colored bandanas gangbanging and other such foolishness when they should be learning why people like them and their so called parents should used a condoms and how to count without using fingers.

I mean damn. I don't know if you are tired of the lawlessness and the foolishness but we are. And as a result we've decided its time to takeover whether you are ready or not.

And I promise you are not ready. But you better get ready. Cause the takeover is imminent.

Ladies and gentleman I present to you. THE TRIAD ADMINISTRATION





The foundation of the TRIAD ADMINISTRATION tasked with no less than the impossible goal of keeping it real among a culture of clones. Can we do it? In the immortal word of the other president. YES WE CAN.



The Triad has spoken.