Friday, February 6, 2009

Ma'dam Sek and Some Foriegn Affairs

G' day mates and sheilas I'm going to bring you a bit of news to put on the barbie!

Going along with the theme of the previous entry from the one and only President I want to talk about some news across the pond.

Apparently the founder of the Papa Johns chain has claimed on BBC's Radio Four program that people should only eat one to two slices of pizza. John Schnatter, said, "you can't eat five or six slices." He claims it's actually very healthy for you, as long as it is in moderation. Well is that not the case for a majority of things?

In England they are running an anti-obesity campaign so they don't end up looking like... well ... for lack of a better word. US<-- get it? All that aside it is a very wise thing to have people crack down on their intake of pizza. Personally I love pizza, and the thought of eating 1-2 slices especially of some small ass slices of papa Johns is FOREIGN to ME. Take a dam* walk!

Speaking of being in shape. Our very own superhero of the Olympics Michael Phelps has just been dropped from Kelloggs for his involvement in smoking the weed. Kelloggs said they would not renew his contract after they saw the infamous photo. Ohhh what the heck, smoking I hear makes one mighty hungry. He is the perfect salesman for Tony the Tiger and his stupid neckerchief.

Oh they aren't Great TONY they aren't!!! Are people doing this for the children? I doubt it because if we really cared about kids they would be running more campaigns to get children to learn. We need to stop worrying about what our idolized heroes are doing and worrying more about what is really important on the home front. Employment, education, foreign affairs, etc....

I am just bringing attention to this because hell I find it comical and a mishap in communication. If I were Phelps and they asked me about that photo I would say that is a foreign object...

and to quote Don Cheadle in Oceans 11, "leave it out....."

Ciao Ciao

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