Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Cold Winter Hotness

What up people? Houston to Philly. Carolina to Cali.

Times are hard but it’s a good day to be an American. Because we are about to get our country back and get on the good foot. Ladies and gentleman, set aside any differences you think you have and throw on the Red White and Blue vision. We are finally about to enter the new millennium and take the world with us. Global warming, energy independence, education advances, diplomatic relations, scientific healthcare innovations. Made in America.

I’m gonna take a page out of W’s wack handbook and tell you to get yourself a Starbucks. Treat your girlfriend out to dinner. Go take a trip to Vegas. Have some fun. And then get ready to put some elbow grease into taking our country back. The crooks and the haters and the shiesty clowns like Ken Lay and Bernie Maddof had their day now its our time to enjoy life.

Cause despite the stresses and conflicts of day to day it’s the little things that make everything else alright. That’s today’s word from the Triad Administration along with a little hotness and notness from Frank White President Verb of the Triad Administration.

Hotness - Barack Obama.

Love him or hate him. Half empty or half full. Liberal or conservative. President Barack Obama clocked in and immediately went to work for the United States of America. That's what's up!

Notness - Barack Obama’s job

Or should I say jobs. Fix the economy, the banks, the auto industry, the housing crisis, wall street, two wars, the environment, the education system, healthcare, and of course the Middle East, just to name a few.

I’d rather sell Real Estate to Pontiac Dealers.

Hotness - Pork In The Stimulus

Unlike the Post-Bush Republicans and the many of my fam who are Muslim (what up Fam), I have no problem with a nice piece of pork.

Notness - Beef over the Stimulus

The problem with less pork, more tax cuts right now is that you can’t eat tax cuts and people are hungry.

Hotness - Tax cuts

Lets be real. The government eats up your cheese like rats.

Notness - Paying Taxes

It cracks me up when big business and THE RICH get mad about not getting tax cuts. Cause when they get fat tax cuts they don’t pay nothing anyway. I can't wait till those outsourcing paychecks dry up.

Hotness - Bailouts

Scuse me, Uncle Sam. I know you broke and all Unc, but could you spare a dime? Or some fresh billions.

Notness - Budgets

Raise your hand if your state ain’t broke. Sit down Alaska and go look at Russia or something.

Not Hot Not Not - Saying no to bailouts

#1 Bobby Governor of Louisiana if Flavor Flav give your broke ass state a handout you need to take it.

#2 GM or Ford shouldn't get a dime until they come out with a flying whip (ain’t it about time already?)

#3 You can’t have money in America and not have banks unless you trying to spend yen.

Hotness - Old Ladies Attacking Robbers

BAM. Right upside the head.

Notness - Maniacal Monkeys attacking women

OK. A chimp is a chimp.

And that whole relationship was a little hairy anyway. (Bathing together...come on now.)

So I feel a little sorry for the crazy ass chimp that got bucked by the jakes.

But monkey ass Chris Brown doesn't have any excuses.

Hotness - Heath Ledger

Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

Notness - Sean Penn

So SHUT UP and…just…go…AWAY. (You too Tavis...some damn Tavis Smiley)

Hotness - Watchmen

I know who watches the watchmen. Me thats who.

Notness - Friday the 23th

How you gonna make Jason 27 part one again even though you seen him in Manhattan, hell, space, and fighting Freddy in his dreams.

I ain't falling for the banana in the tailpipe.

Hotness - 24 Season 777 (RANT ALERT)

Bizzle and Redhead FBI get away from the jakes. Dubaku gets away from Bizzle. Or not. But cover is blown now. Chase is on. Team Bizzle out of play. Until. Old girl makes her move. And the car flips. She's toast. Dubaku on the stretcher. Bizzle with the audible. "Talk before you die or I kill your family". He talks. He dies. Whats that. A chip. Word. Bizzle gives it to the homes with the chopper. Damn.

But Redhead FBI is pissed now. She in the hospital with Bizzle giving up dead sister's bracelets to alive sister in wheelchair. "You promised you would protect her. Now she dead and you give me THIS? I hate you." Redhead FBI hates herself too. But she hates Bizzle more. Cause Bizzle is cold. He’s all "You’ll get over it." She's all "like your wife?" He's all "Next time you pull a gun on me be ready to use it." She's all like "I was." Oooooh Bizzle it stings. But its only your pride.

Back at FBI headquarters. Young snitch got him some snitch trim. FBI got evidence about snitches. Young snitch asks snitch trim can she erase it. Maybe. But Chloe is on the case. Uh oh. Snitch trim is successful. Evidence is gone. So is snitch trim. Young snitch did it. Head Suit wants answers. Young snitch got extremely suspect answers and too many questions. Head suit doesn’t know who to trust. Obviously. But Chloe is on the case and the evidence is back. Uh oh. Young snitch on the run. Too late.Head Suit wants answers. Real ones. Young snitch wants a lawyer.

Meanwhile Bill Buchizzle riding shot gun with Madam President to see half dead First Guy. First daughter got beef. And tears. Bill got juice. Evidence got snitches everywhere including assistant Senate snitch who runs with Senator I Hate Bizzle. Madame Pres like "Thanks Bill you need anything name it." Bill like "Can Bizzle get a break?" Madame Pres like "Maybe." Booooo.

Who's theme music is that? Its Tizzle. He's back. Chillin on big white steps with Bizzle …Bizzle talking that it’s over turn yourself in crazy shizzle. Tizzle like it aint’ over. Juma and the crizzle bout to hit DC hard it’s rizzle. Boop boop. Boop boop. Boop boop. Boop boop.

Notness - American Idol

Sober karaoke is just plain wrong. Just like idolatry. And Randy "Definitely Not a Real" Jackson.

Not Hot Not Not - Lost

I seen the dead bule get not dead, go back and forward in time from country to country, city to city and talk to mad people who think he dead now before he go die and come back to not being dead again. I don’t really get Lost but I see how you could.

Hotness - Movies about broke people in India

Don’t ask me why. Some damn Slumdog Millionaire.

Notness - News about broke people in America

The between the crime and the economy every city in the country is turning into a slum, dog.

Hotness - The Return of Tiger Woods

The king is back.

Notness - The Fall of A Rod

Lost his wife, team ain’t make the playoffs, and now he lying about the steroids he said he didn’t take before he admitted he did.

Talk about being on something before you were against it. Ta dah dah. A little inside the beltway humor, just a bit outside.

Hotness - ACC Tournament

The college basketball buffet that is March Madness begins before they break the brackets out. And The ACC tournament is the proverbial banging Buffalo Wing appetizer. You could definitely get full but there is mo better food to come.

Notness - NBA Regular Season

Kobe is an assassin. Lebron is a beast. Both of them will absolutely kill you. The Celtics are the champs. And my favorite player, Tim Duncan, is the champion of champions. So wake me up when the playoffs start.

Hotness - Vegas

What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.

Notness - Mexico

What happens to you in Mexico? Don't know, but you stays in Mexico.

Hotness - Joaquin Phoenix on Dave Letterman

There is something funny about insanity. Joaquin meet Crispin. Crispin meet Joaquin.

Notness - The Roots on Jimmy Fallon

There is nothing funny about prostitution. Hip Hop meet Recession. Recession meet Hip Hop.

Hotness - America

Even though half the population is broke or insane or both, this is my country and I'd much rather be in America than...

Notness - Africa

Shoutout to the racist and lazy forefathers who didn't want to pick cotton themselves so they got their Ponzi Scheme on and cotton picked mad negros out of Africa to build their wealth in exchange for bullets with no guns and empty bottles of whiskey. I could be mad but if it weren't for their delusional selfishness I might be running around Liberia with purple sweats, a Harold Minor jersey and an AK bucking people for General Juma. I'll take servicing the fiends any day. Gluten free or not.

Not Hot Not Not - Black History Month

What's it like to be Black in America? There is nothing like it.

It's not a gift. It's not a curse. It is what it is. For every Dr. King there is an OJ Simpson. For every Barack Obama there is a Little Wayne Weezy Carter. (Actually for every Obama there is a Weezy, a Jeezy, a Soulja Boy, a Gucci Mane and OJ the Juice Mane and a bunch of other coonbreads but I digress).

From Slaveships to 3/5ths to Civil Rights to President #44, the Black American Historical Experience is full of pain and pride, successes and failures, life and death. It is vital, it is important, it is special. But ultimately it is American.

Black History Month should be a time to reflect on the trials and the tribulations, and those successes and the failures that have made America what it is today. But in reality all it is another month. And really we don't need a month to showcase that part of history. It should be displayed with pride everyday.

So shout out to fellow my African Americans and shout out to my fellow Americans. Regardless of race, creed, or color, there is something special about being a part of history. And right now. We are all apart of history.


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