Wednesday, February 11, 2009

White Out...The President Speaks

I am not Barack Obama and he does not approve this message. I am Frank White the President of the Triad Administration and I do. Which means get ready for a dose of haterade after a week of foolishnii!

Its good to have a President of the United States who knows how to be Presidential. But these clowns in DC keep playing and the Chicago is coming out. I'm saying.

The Republicans are haters. They hate students. They hate workers. They hate poor people. They hate the middle class. They hate democrats. They hate each other. They hate America. BUT THEY LOVE TAX CUTS! Get a new playbook please.

Mother Nature is getting a head start on her yearly beatdown. Heartfelt condolences to Australia, Indonesia and Oklahoma.

WHY ARE WE STILL TALKING ABOUT STEROIDS????? Steroids has NOTHING to do with real life.
I don't give a damn about who takes the juice when times are good. But spending money to test old piss during a recession should be punishable by drinking every drop of old piss they got up in the safes.

That said... between Tejada snitching on himself to the feds, the whole A Rod Tuskeegee Airman steroid testing plot, and Roberto Alomar getting his full blown rawhide on ("I'm not saying I got it, but if I got it you got it what!!!!") baseball is becoming a better soap opera than sport.

Speaking of sports, the NFL season IS over.
Pittsburgh IS the best team in the NFL.
Larry Fitzgerald IS the best wide receiver in the game.
Adrian Peterson IS the best RB in the game.
Brett Farve retiring...AGAIN, IS corny.
And anybody who actually roots for the Philadelphia Eagles after this year IS crazy.

Lil Wayne is not Lil nor is he ill.
But he IS an insane clown ass stupid looking tattooed mumbling midget who sips massive amounts of codeine, sniffs cocaine, talks stupid whenever given the chance, kisses grown men and occasionally drops a hot line that he messes up by giggling like a little girl shortly there after. Thats what's hot in the streets? I don't understand. And I won't. EVER!

If the Grammy's represent the best music has to offer in 2009, I'll stick with the time machine that is my iPod. And what the deuce with:

Sneaking the Joneses Brothers on stage with Stevie Wonder like he could see whats going on.
Miley Ray Cyrus screeching at the top of lungs knowing damn well she can't sing.
Jay Z and his silly glasses and extra peezy ass-fro dropping some wack bars while Viva La Cornball played the piano.
Them wack ass songs the old dude and lady kept winning awards with.
Old wack ass songs from 2007 like Love Song getting nominated.
No love for Alicia Keys.
Chris Brown channeling his inner Ike Turner a few hours before showtime.
Rihanna letting Chris Brown get his teeny bob on upside her head.

The Grammys were the WORST and I fully expect the OSCARS to be WORSE!

Last word. Who cares if Jessica Simpson is fat, Christian "Batman" Bale flipped out on some lackey, American Idol is on 4 nights a week, A Rod did steroids back in the day, some chick dropped 8 seeds, or a bunch of fatties are trying to lose weight on TV. This country has major major problems.

The biggest problem is we care so much about foolishness and so little about the important stuff. We are fighting a losing war against drugs, crime, the economy and the environment not to mention Iraq and Afghanistan and Pakistan and Iran.

Ignorance is not bliss. Its dangerous. On the other hand knowledge is power.

No matter how much money we have (and right now we have very little) or how strong our military is (and right now its weak) America will not regain its place as the worlds most respected nation until we show some respect for ourselves. Stop trying to keep up with the Joneses. Embrace your individuality. Turn off the TV. Read a book. Quit the gossip. Become active in your community.

Times are hard but running away from the problems we face is what got us into the situation we are in. Step it up America, we are counting on us!

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