Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Where we stand

Stimulus package? I ain't GIVING nobody nothin. Defense? You damn straight. Domestic Policy? Outer Strength comes from within. Economy? A broke nigga is a dangerous nigga no matter what his or her color is.

Here is the Triad Administration platform for a brand new America you can be proud to rep. Ya heard??????


#1 The REAL War on Terror


We are at war in Iraq. Like it or not we can't afford to lose. But we have to get out somehow. I'll tell you how. Immediate withdraw of 50% of our current troops in Iraq. The remaining 50% will be broken into two teams. Defense and Offense. Defense stays in the more managabe areas and work with the police to protect the innocent and work on negotiation and reconstruction efforts. Offense goes into the more out of control areas GUNS BLAZING with one goal in mind. Eradicate Al Queda in Iraq and any foreign agents working as organized terrorists.

The withdrawn 50% will be broken into 3 groups.


50% of those withdrawn will be sent to Darfur and Sudan. Since no WMD were found in Iraq but we justified that by liberating citizens and giving them freedom we can do that for the children in Africa forced to fight in the name of greed and evil.


25% of those withdrawn will be sent to Afghanistan to shore up our forces there and continue to crack down on Al Queda and the returning Taliban forces.


The last 25% will be sent home and we will honor our rotations and commitments to tours of duty to keep our military fresh and of sound body and mind, as much as possible.

The World

Each year will will have a War on Terror summit where the world will be addressed on our progress in each region and will be requested to contribute military, intelligence or financial aid. We will reevalute troop levels in each region, increasing and decreasing troops as needed per conditions and global assistance. Those countries who refuse to contribute at all will have troops withdrawn from their country and covert spies inserted to make sure they are on our side.


We will concentrate our special forces and intelligence agencies worldwide to hunting down and killing Al Queda. I want a coat made out of his beard. To assist we will create a Anti Terror Global Taskforce encompassing the best miltiary and intelligence from all allied countries. It will be funded by private citizens of the G8 nations. The words richest contributers of wealth. You're either against Al Queda or against Al Queda. All others are in the crosshairs of the global sniper scope. Period. End of Story.

#2 National Energy Development Association (NEDA)

The scale of our space program will be rolled back for the time being to concentrate on developing alternative energy sources. Personel, funding, and education assets from NASA will be transferred to the new NEDA program to generate the kind of effort in safely and efficiently fueling our world in the future that we experienced in the humble beginnings of our space program.

#3 Better Educator Act

The minimum salary for teachers nationwide will be increased to $45,000, making the position more in demand, thus increasing the talent pool of teachers and hopefully creating better qualified and happier teachers in our schools. Bonuses will also be given to schools and school districts based on production (increase and maintance of test scores, GPAs, and college acceptance) in our school systems on a competitve local, state, and national level. To pay for this an additional flexible Education Tax will be imposed on ALL CITIZENS but current school district taxes will be waived.

#4 Clean Up America Act

Each county in every state will be held to specific clean air and street standards. (Size, population, and location will be taken into account) Following the annual clean city check up, counties that do not meet requirements will be fined. Meanwhile the cleanest counties in every size and population category will receive substantial bonuses.

#5 The REAL War on Crime

Repeat Sex Offenders will be given life sentences with no chance for parole. Violent Sex offenders will be given the death penalty. Cruel and Unusual acts of violence will be met with the death penalty. Offenders convicted of murder one get automatic life sentences. Illegal weapons possession will be sentenced 2 years per bullet. Soft drug possesion will not result in any jail time. Fines and counciling will instead be leavied unless intoxicated behind the wheel of a vehicle or in possesion of a weapon, legal or not.

#6 Consumer and Fan Appreciation Tax

Without consumers and the sales tax paying public, corportations from communication to energy to retail. Sports to medicine to entertainment would not get paid. Therefore they will be imposed a national consumer tax equal to the composite of every state tax. In addition non essential industries such as the music, movies, and sports (as well as atheletes, actors and actresses who make 1 million dollars net) must pay a 10% tax considering they would make NOTHING without us thus we really don't NEED them as much as they need us.

#7 Free Doctors Visitiation Passes

The challenges of creating a public healthcare system may be too ambitious, but everyone should have an opportunity to visit the doctor at least twice a year and we have an obligation to keep our children healthy. Therefore all tax paying citizens will be granted two free doctors visits per year, and children under 12 will receive unlimited visits. In the event that major health issues are found, individuals who can not afford quality health care will be able to seek the care they need and make arrangement through to pay in installments with there year end taxes.

#8 Media Redundancy Act

Who else is tired of the media reporting the same news stories over and over? Or cable TV showing the same programs over and over? Or the radio playing the same songs over and over. Never no more. We can't take away the media's right to put on what they choose but we can restrict how many times they put it on. So say goodbye to all day coverage of Anna Nicole on every channel and round the clock This Is Why I'm Hot on the radio. Frank White 4 President.

#9 Annual Credit Clemency

Wouldn't it be nice to get a reset on that blotch messing up your credit and keeping you from getting that new car or new home. Of course it would. And on April 20th you will be able to just that once a year, provided you pay your taxes and have 3 up to date credit references. Frank White For President.

#10 Get Out of Jail Free Card

Our prisons are too populated with people who've made bad decisions and non violent offenders. Meanwhile our Peace Corps and our Armed Forces are dwindling. Non violent offenders will be given the opportunity to finish off the remainder of their sentence overseas as part of the Military or Peace Corp. And select Violent Offenders will be given the opportunity to assist in reconstruction and humanity efforts in Africa, Afghanistan, and Iraq.

This is our country ladies and gentleman. The reason so many of you don't care is because you don't know. Well I don't know everything either but I do know Frank White is about AMERICA and restoring the peace, love and prosperity around the globe. But it starts at home.

Keep the faith. Keep the hope. Keep the Pride.

Introducing the Administration

My name is not Barack Obama and he does not approve this message. This is the new President of the Triad Administration, Frank White.

First things first I want to congratulate our new President of the United States of America. Barack Obama. I also want to thank all of you who voted and spent your time fighting the good fight to make sure that President Obama would be more than just an idea of hope but a reality.

I feel its only fair to laugh at all you dumb ass fools who voted for John McClain and thank God that he didn't win. Because if he did the Chinese would be landing in little red parachutes to collect all that cash that him and George Bush ran up with the GOP Visa these last 4 years. And Sarah Palin would be sprinkling rat poision in his prune juice and replacing his Viagra pills with a hotshot of Baltimore WMD.

Congratulate yourselves, Ladies and gentlemen. Boys and Girls. Black People. White People. Latinos and Asians. Old. Young. Smart. Dumb. All my peoples from the projects to the penthouse.

All right. Now, get ready. Cause in times as wild as these one administration isn't enough. Not even close. We need one administration to restore America to its right place as the moral leader of the world by eradicating the partisan bickering and infighting that has paralyzed in progress in the nations capital. And The Obama administration will do just that.

But we also need an administration that will not sugarcoat the truth or capitulate to the insanity that is Lil Wayne and his styrophome cup of coonishness going platinum in a week, blowjobs like them fools on The Hills making cake by reading wackass scripts on so called reality TV shows watched by unemployed people with too much time on their hands coast to coast, America's sorry excuse for a school system with seeds running around in colored bandanas gangbanging and other such foolishness when they should be learning why people like them and their so called parents should used a condoms and how to count without using fingers.

I mean damn. I don't know if you are tired of the lawlessness and the foolishness but we are. And as a result we've decided its time to takeover whether you are ready or not.

And I promise you are not ready. But you better get ready. Cause the takeover is imminent.

Ladies and gentleman I present to you. THE TRIAD ADMINISTRATION





The foundation of the TRIAD ADMINISTRATION tasked with no less than the impossible goal of keeping it real among a culture of clones. Can we do it? In the immortal word of the other president. YES WE CAN.



The Triad has spoken.